A new month already and we are waiting with baited breath this week as to when the Government will allow us to re-open, and with what restrictions.

One thing is for sure it will be a very different experience, not only for our Clients, but for us too.

Some of the rules that will be likely are, no walk ins, appointments only. Contact to a minimum (some possible restrictions on treatments). Face masks to be worn by everyone. No waiting allowed, so no sitting in reception or magazines or even cups of tea. It will mean one Client in at a time with us and that social distancing will remain in place wherever possible.

Luckily for us our Salon is spacious, well ventilated and bright, giving us plenty of space to stay well apart from each other with our respective treatments. It will, however, mean more time between each visit for deep cleaning which in turn will mean less Clients being booked per day. This of course is going to make us busy so we will try to get everyone booked in as promptly as possible.

When our on-line diary is allowed to be re- opened this will be a very quick way for you to book those appointments that you love, but you will need a PayPal account to be able to access this and register on-line too. If you haven’t got an account to do this, now would be a good time to register. Simply go to our on-line booking tab to register, its easy! PayPal is then used to pre-pay for your required treatment. Please Note Not all services are available for on line booking.

Of course hand washing on entering and all that was in place before will still be needed, and please stay away if you or a family member have any symptoms, think carefully before venturing out.

See you soon